Fotografia por João Morais Inácio

Tânia OP

Contemplative path 


Contemplative path is a performance centered on the presence of the body in space, in which each step taken is breathed and aspired – to be free and conscious. It is the result of different experiences and apprenticeships in various monasteries and communities, where each movement made has its importance and meaning.

Breathe, feel the moment and the presence of the bodies in space. Limited time does not exist. People tear down walls while others build them - it's not just physical. Some seek to be pure, free and saved. Others, just live in peace.z.


Tânia OP has developed her artistic practice by reflecting on humanity, the meaning of life, the emptiness, inner peace and freedom. Through art, she opens internal processes of questioning, reflection, purification and liberation, which she transforms and transfers to the physical plane through matter and the body itself. She dedicates herself to Performance Art as contemplation of existence in a somatic body. Learn the meaning of ancestral monastic rituals and routines through different artistic practices, exploring sound and movement in the mystique of the moment. Graduated in Fine Arts/Sculpture and specialized in Sculpture at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto. She is a PhD student of the Media Arts course at the University of Beira Interior. She has works of art in several national and international places (Italy, Palestine, East Timor and Spain). It has many participations in individual and collective exhibitions, as well as artistic residences. She has created and coordinated Performance Art projects.

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