Fotografia por João Morais Inácio

René Jeanette Renard

The brick: from memory holder to element of artistic expression in Contemporary Art


This investigation deals with the history and symbolism of the brick, its relationship with memory, and the story of my family, related to brick production in the historical, geographical, economical and social context of the first half of the 20th century. It also researches the defining elements for sculpture in the 20th century, built sculpture, representative artists for built sculpture and contemporary artists who used brick in their work. Finally, it delves into memory and micro-history in my art (main projects: A journey as long as one hundred lives, faBRIQUE, Micro-Terra Banatica), and the convergence between Science and Art (main project: The Memory Laboratories), as well as an analysis of my migration from bi-dimensional, mainly digital techniques, to three-dimensional means of expression using various media.


Renée Renard is a PhD student at the Faculty of Arts and Design of the West University of Timișoara, where she also got her BA in Multimedia Design, and the MA in Advertising and Editorial Design, and in Sculpture and Ceramics. In her art, she addresses the convergence between Science and Art, and the documentation/interpretation of her family's micro-history with Central European origins. Preferred media of expression: installation, object, mixed media under the microscope, photography/video under the microscope, digital processing, adaptations of the old Japanese kintsugi and tataki zome techniques. She has had 16 solo exhibitions and over 60 participations in group exhibitions at home and abroad. She was awarded the Murano Prize of the Abate Zanetti School of Glassmaking (2013), the Prize of the Municipality of Portet sur Garonne at the Triennale Européenne de l'Estampe Contemporaine (2016), and the First Prize for microphotography at Micromaps 1st edition (2021).

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