Fotografia por João Morais Inácio

Marișescu Teodora

Animation techniques between the vectors of traditional Graphic Art and digitalization


This thesis performs an in-depth research of different techniques of digital animation, which for the past 30 years has been an important part of the film industry. As a project component, a short animation film will be created from scratch. Its idea was born 10 years ago and has been worked on paper ever since. In this stage of the research, the village where the action takes place is being modeled, sculpted and given texture. This is a stage near the end of the first part of film production, which revolves around creating the set-ups, environments, and backgrounds. Multiple styles have been considered, but ultimately the decision was to use a fun, colorful palette and shapes that resemble mushrooms, as the story takes place in a planet that orbits the binary solar system of Sirius A and B.


Marișescu Teodora é doutoranda em Artes Visuais na Faculdade de Artes e Design, da West University of Timișoara, onde também obteve sua Licenciatura em Artes Gráficas (2019) e Mestrado em Publicidade e Design Editorial (2021). O seu trabalho foi exibido em eventos de Arte e festivais de Cinema na Roménia e no exterior.

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