Fotografia por João Morais Inácio

Bianca Bondoc

Night in the ocean


In Art, chaos and order are often seen as opposing forces, but what if they could be reconciled through a single medium? Stone and water are the building blocks of lithography, and through this medium, chaos and order can be brought into harmony. The solidity and permanence of stone, coupled with the fluidity and vitality of water, evoke powerful emotions and associations. Water is the key element in the creation of the universe, representing the chaotic potentiality from which order emerges. In the context of lithography, the artist uses stone as a canvas to capture the fluidity of ideas. The resulting image is a fusion of controlled conscious gestures with the emerging of the unconscious, a dance between the permanence awareness of ”stone” and the fluidity of mind like ”water”. Black and white become, in my personal work, not just opposite forces, but also two sides of the same coin.


Bianca Bondoc atualmente frequenta o Doutoramento em Artes Visuais, na Faculdade de Artes e Design, da West University of Timișoara, onde também obteve sua Licenciatura (2020) e Mestrado (2022). O seu trabalho foi exibido em exposições nacionais e internacionais na Roménia, Sérvia, Polónia e Macedónia. Ela ganhou o terceiro prêmio no concurso da Bienal de Gravura Gabriel Popescu, VIIª Edição, em Târgoviște (2019), e o Jury Prize for Youth no Salão Anual de Artes Visuais, UAPT 90ª Edição (2020), pela obra ICONICA IV.

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