Fotografia por João Morais Inácio

Diana Borza (Poenaru)

The landscape in Contemporary Art: the marginals, public space and the image of kitsch


My analysis focuses on how Art, in the period of 1980-2020, captures the pulsation of the periphery and the center, with their ethnographic and social aspects. The village-city, seasonal, transnational migrations, the experiences of these individuals captive in their processes, the marginalized human existence, the artificial, socialist urbanization, the popular culture, forcibly brought into the urban environment, are still felt today in the contemporary landscape. The goal of this research is a careful examination of the reconfigurations that take place under economic and socio-cultural impulse (privatization, suburbanization, segregation), a close observation of people's action in public spaces. I am concerned with adaptation and cosmopolitanism, the effects of globalization, city life at night, tracking spatial traffic relations (airports, train stations, gas stations, malls).


Diana Borza (Poenaru) is an artist born in Bistrita, Romania. Her works have been shown in exhibitions in Romania and Slovenia.

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